The Real Cost of Fitness

Ok the headline of this post is kind of a joke.  In a perfect world there should be no cost to fitness.  Of course this isn’t a perfect world, and we have to make do with what we have.  I...

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3 Benefits of NOT Achieving Your Goals

Realistic goal setting is something I strongly advocate for people looking to leave their jobs and become independent.  So many sites and blogs talk about how to quit your job in 365 days, or they jump so quickly ahead to...

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Side Hustle Shuffle

Momentum is a huge motivator when it comes to getting debt free and financially independent. As I’ve written before, for us luck and circumstance had a lot to do with us becoming debt free.  Dave Ramsey advocates something called the...

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Financial Freedom and How We Got Started

What better way to get this blog started than to talk a little about myself/ourselves.  We have an About Us page that can help run you through the basics, but in the interest of creating a chronological record of progress...

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